So much to

has beautiful beaches, warm weather, and
great people but it doesn’t have CAMP!

Every year
people ask me, “Nat why would work at camp instead of living in Australia?” The answer is easy… because I love camp! My
backyard is filled with kids laughing, smiling and enjoying their childhood. I get to spend my day seeing campers making
and being the best versions of themselves … and yes camp helps me do
that too!

I love
seeing campers return each year ready to share their stories, make more
memories and enjoy their summer. One of the best parts of my week is at opening
. I look around and see familiar
faces; a little older and a little louder but still the same kid ready for
adventure and fun! It’s a great feeling to
yell, “YOOOO…” and hear ,“Surf’s Up, Dude” come echoing back at me!!!

At closing
ceremony I always say “My favorite thing about camp is seeing people that were
never meant to meet become friends.”
Camp brings people together and shows us
that the world is filled with people who care about each other and want the
best for themselves and everyone around them.
Camp is like no other place!

I’m a
grownup who loves going to work every day because it isn’t work. Camp is the
world being how it should be; FUN!

Don’t show
my mum this…she still hopes I’ll return to home one day! :)