Moonlight Crashers Youth Volleyball This Fall 2017

Exciting news for volleyball players ages 9-14: Mission Valley Y is excited to announce a new youth volleyball program beginning this fall 2017, thanks to a partnership with Olympic Gold Medalist Pat Powers and his nonprofit Moonlight Crashers Volleyball Club.

Coach Powers will hold tryouts at the Y on October 15, 2017 for teams in two age brackets: 10-12 and 14 and under. He is looking for players with 0 to 2 years of experience who will train twice weekly at Mission Valley Y and compete in Southern California Volleyball Association and/or local tournaments for the 2018 club season, which runs December 2017 to May 2018.


9:15-10:45am, Sunday, October 15, 2017
Mission Valley YMCA, 5505 Friars Road, 92110


4:00-6:00pm, Mondays and Wednesdays
December - May 2018
Fee: $1,670 member; $1,900 participant, divided into three payments.

Program Details

“We’re thrilled to be able to offer volleyball to young players who are looking to build skills and play at a higher level,” Mission Valley Sports Director Brian Boyd said. “They’ll get excellent coaching and training that will prepare them for high school teams and beyond.”

All practices will be designed and run by Coach Powers, who knows his stuff. He has been training athletes for the 22 years since he earned gold medals at the Olympics, World Cup and World Championships. “The Moonlight Crashers is a nonprofit volleyball club,” Powers explains. “This single fact allows us flexibility with managing our teams and separates us from 90 percent of the other club teams. We do not carry large rosters to make more money.  Instead of "pigeon-holing" players into certain positions,” he says, “we expect and train players to play all the way around!  Some of our best hitters have been our smaller players and some of our best passers have been our middles.”

  • The younger Crasher teams will play in the SpikeFest/local volleyball tournaments hosted in Poway. They play six matches a year. Some teams will play in the SCVA tournaments this year. View the SCVA Girls 2018 schedule.
  • Powers says the key to his club team is massive repetition and competition. It is not uncommon for the teams to get in 240 reps a night in preparation for weekend play in SCVA or local competition.
  • Age definitions can be found here on the SCVA website