Lately I have been finding myself dreaming about Summer Camp.

It's right around the corner and I know that everything is about to change and become even more awesome than any other time of year.

The pool is almost ready for swimming, the Mooters are being tuned for some Xtreme adventure; friends from all over the world are flying in; friends from right next door, that you don’t even know, are preparing to spend a week with you; costumes are being made; faces are being painted; the rainbow that happens every Wednesday between 4:30 and 5:00pm is almost a reality; the dirt seems to get redder; the Gaga Pit begins to hum constantly; night hikes, carnivals, stories, songs, candlelight ceremonies, cooking in a Dutch oven, Mountain biking, climbing Stonewall Peak – it's all about to happen, every week!

Summer at Camp, for most, is only a week long but there is no other place where you can fit so many incredible things into just one week. By the Candlelight Ceremony on Thursday night there has been so much that has happened, so many new friends, so many hilarious moments, that you wonder how it all happened in such a short space of time.

Summer Camp is more than special.
Summer Camp is sensory overload.
Summer Camp is magical.
Summer Camp is……