Developing Global Leaders

Our Going Global program focuses on developing global leaders through our youth programs by incorporating educational activities where children can learn while having fun.


Iceland is going strong

Palomar Family YMCA celebrated "Going Global" month with a fun and interactive activity. Students made a geyser, similar to what they have in Iceland.

You can see the simple yet fun activity is a great way to teach science, math, and global education all in one awesome month!


Celebrating Spain and Ukraine in East County

Middle school children worked on building Spanish castles using popsicle sticks and displayed their final projects at the East County Art Show at a local elementary school. The kids were very creative, some even using dental floss to create a drawbridge.

The students had the opportunity to learn about the importance and traditions flowers have in Ukraine. They painted flower pots and planted sonyashnky (sunflowers), the flower of Ukraine.


Moving to the Kenyan Beat

The Peninsula Family YMCA celebrated Kenya by making mini-drums and learning the bead-making process. 


Y Cook Program Cooks Up Some Ugandan food

The YCook Instructor began the class by asking teens where Uganda was and then, through an interesting discussion, figured out why food from Uganda tastes different from other places in the world.


Presenting the Philippines

The Copley-Price Family YMCA brought in a volunteer to speak about the Philippines. Mr. Mendez grew up in the Philippines and had a display of items from his home country to show the students.

They saw traditional dress, food, photos of houses and even got to see the size of the world's smallest monkey; the same size as his fist.

When leaving, one of the students ran up to give him a hug and say thank you.

Did You Know?

The Philippines have over 7,000 islands and only 2,000 are inhabited. It is home to the world's smallest monkey known as the Tarsier.

A Ugandan Refugee Spoke to Teens at YFS

A refugee from Uganda named Prince spoke to teens at our Youth and Family Services location. The teens had the opportunity to listen to him speak, watch a PowerPoint presentation, and also ask him questions about life in Uganda. Prince openly answered about food, genocide, and missing home.


Ecuador Hall of Fame

The staff at the South Bay Family Y have created an Ecuador Hall of Fame! Look closely in the photo to see flags, sports, photos and animals that are native to the country!


Around the World Passport Adventure

Our South Bay Family YMCA, Border View Family YMCA, and Camp Surf spring day campers came together for a morning of learning and adventure. Each camper received a passport to participate in the traveling activity.

In groups of ten, they visited between four and ten countries. They learned facts and did activities native to each location. Walking around camp, kids were heard laughing and ran around excitedly while they learned other languages and helped each other paint faces and form four leaf clovers.